Tutorials: How to restore a backuped wallet.dat file
1. First you need to have a running CloakCoin wallet.
2. Close the wallet.
3. Then for the diferent platforms:
- Windows
- Press on your keyboard 'win'+'r'
- Now enter %appdata%
- Windows Explorer has opened, click into the 'CloakCoin' folder
- Linux
- The wallet creates a folder in the home directory of the user that is running the wallet.
- Open a terminal
- Go to the home directory of the user who is running the wallet. If this is you, enter 'cd' and press enter on your keyboard.
- Now write 'cd .CloakCoin' and press enter.
- Mac
- Open Finder.
- Select 'Go' / 'Go To Folder' from the finder menu.
- Enter '~/Library/Application Support/CloakCoin/'
- Click the 'Go' button.
4. Rename or move the current wallet.dat file and replace it with your backup.