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The CloakShield Logo

CloakShield is the onion-routing implementation for CloakCoin's network traffic.

CloakShield utilizes end-to-end encryption and delivers secure communication, allowing nodes to circumvent traffic analysis.

Combined with Enigma, it is designed for privacy, utilizing up to 25 hops using symmetric RSA encryption backed by an ECDH key exchange. This means all network traffic in a ENIGMA transaction is impossible to monitor or trace.

Cloakshield Onion Routing
  • Uses end-to-end encryption and provides secure communication
  • Designed to secure both ENIGMA and decentralized CloakCoin applications, and will ensure your data stays as private as possible.
  • Allows the encrypted sending of data to one or more recipients.
  • Allows any CloakCoin data objects to be serialized and transmitted securely to one or more recipients.
  • Allows nodes to communicate indirectly to circumvent traffic analysis.
  • Provides an onion routing network and you can use up to 25 hops!