Compile the Cloakcoin Client

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Revision as of 00:48, 3 July 2018 by Exslave (talk | contribs) (started raspberry pi build instructions)
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This guide covers the compilation of CloakCoin on Linux, it as been tested by Cloak team members on Ubuntu 16.04 and Xubuntu 16.04 LTS, diferent Linux distributions may need additional tweeking.

Build instructions for Ubuntu Linux QT GUI edition

  1. Install git if you don't already have it
  2. sudo apt install git
  3. Clone the CloakCoin repository from GitHub
  4. git clone
    cd CloakCoin/src
  5. Install the dependencies
  6. sudo apt install -y \ build-essential \ qt5-default \ qt5-qmake \ libleveldb-dev \ libboost1.58-dev \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ openssl \ libssl-dev \ libdb++-dev \ libevent-dev \ libboost-dev \ libboost-system-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev \ libboost-program-options-dev \ libboost-thread-dev \ libminiupnpc-dev
  7. Build from source
  8. qmake && make
  9. If all went well you cloakcoin-qt should now have been created in the root of the repository folder
  10. The first time you launch the wallet, it will have to sync with the network. This takes forever if you don't already have a lot of the blockchain downloaded. You can download it before hand like this:
  11. mkdir ~/.CloakCoin && cd ~/.CloakCoin
  12. Download ~1.1 GB of blockchain data
  13. wget
  14. Now you are ready to launch the wallet
  15. ./cloakcoin-qt
  16. You can optionally copy cloakcoin-qt to a directory in your $PATH so that you can open it from anywhere like
  17. sudo cp ./cloakcoin-qt /usr/local/bin

Build instructions for Linux headless edition

  1. Install git if you don't already have it
  2. sudo apt install git
  3. Clone the CloakCoin repository from GitHub
  4. git clone
    cd CloakCoin/src
    make -f makefile.unix

Build instructions for the Raspberry Pi 3 headless edition

This guide covers everything you need to know to setup a portable staking wallet and enigma anonymous transactions node.

If you follow the steps by order you should end up with a working CloakCoin wallet and have at the palm of your hand the power to support the cloakcoin network.


  1. Raspberry Pi 3
  2. 8Gb SD card (class 10 recomended)
  3. Power supply 5v 2A
  4. 2Gb USB stick for swap drive ( USB 3.0 recommended)
  5. LAN internet connection
  6. Coffee

Install a arm64 OS on the Raspberry Pi and setup a SWAP partition on a USB drive.

Pi64 is an 64-bit OS for the Raspberry Pi 3. It is based on Debian Stretch and backed by a 4.11 Linux kernel.

  1. Download pi64 lite from:
  2. To write the Pi64 image into the SD card, we are going to use Etcher, download etcher for your platform here:
  3. Execute Etcher, then click on 'select image' and select the Pi64 image you donwloaded earlier, then 'select drive' for the SD card you are going to use on the Pi, then click 'Flash!'. Wait for the 'flash completed!' message and then you have the SD card ready to use on the Raspberry Pi.
  4. Insert the SD card on the Raspberry Pi and power it up. During first boot the installation process will continue for a few minutes, then the Raspberry Pi will reboot and you'll be ready to go. The default user is pi and its password raspberry, it has passwordless root privileges escalation through sudo. On the lite version, SSH is enabled by default.
  5. Change the pi user password by issuing the command:
  6. Update Pi64 packages lists by typing:
    sudo apt-get update
  7. Install a text editor:
    sudo apt-get install nano
  8. To create a swap partition on the USB drive, create an empty partition that should have no holes. You can then format this partition with:
    sudo mkswap /dev/sdX
    replacing /dev/sdX with your partition (type the command dmesg to identify your USB drive, on my case it is sda1).
  9. Mount this partition as swap with:
    sudo swapon -U UUID
    where UUID is that of your /dev/sdX as read from this:
    blkid /dev/sdX
    Bind your new swap in /etc/fstab by editing fstab with:
    nano /etc/fstab
    Adding this line (replace xxx with the UUID of your sdX):
    UUID=xxx none swap sw 0 0
  10. Reboot the system with:
    sudo reboot
  11. To vizualize the newly added swap partition type:
    free -h