Instalar o Cliente CloakCoin

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Cloakcoin Windows setup.

Este guia cobre a instalação da Carteira CloakCoin em diferentes plataformas

Instalação da edição para Windows

  1. Se vai instalar a carteira pela primeira vez, salte para o ponto 6.
  2. Se já tem instalada um versão anterior, por favor pare a carteira atual.
  3. Faça um backup da wallet.dat
  4. Se a sua versão atual é 1.x, faça uma desinstalação!!!
  5. Se a sua versão atual é 2.x, pode fazer o update diretamente sem desinstalar a versão anterior.
  6. Faça o download da última versão em GitHub
  7. Extraia o download.
  8. Execute o ficheiro cloakcoin-rEvolution- como administrador.
  9. Siga as indicações do instalador.
  10. Clique sim para 'auto blockchain downloader' isto fará o download da blockchain correr mais rápido.
  11. Inicie a carteira Cloakcoin e deixe ela procurar outros nodos e sincronizar
  12. Lembre-se -> de Encriptar sua carteira com uma palavra-passe + faça um backup do seu ficheiro wallet.dat em um disco usb externo. Como segurança!

Installation of the Linux Edition

Installation of the Linux QT GUI edition

  1. If you have installed a previous version, please stop the running wallet.
  2. # Backup your wallet.dat
  3. Remove the old installation
  4. Open a terminal as user
  5. cd
    mv .CloakCoin .CloakCoin_backup
  6. Unzip the download.
  7. Open a terminal with root rights
  8. cd /opt
    mkdir -vp cloakcoin/
    cd !$
    mv /path/to/unzipped/cloakcoin* .
    chmod +x cloakcoin*
    ln -s /opt/cloakcoin/ /usr/local/bin/cloakcoin
  9. On some debian/ubuntu distributions you need to installing missing libs as with root privileges:
  10. apt-get update
    apt-get install libcurl3 libcurl3-gnutls
  11. run cloakcoin with your user account
  12. Follow the instructions from the installer.
  13. Say yes to the 'auto blockchain downloader' this will be the faster way!
  14. Let your wallet find other nodes and sync the blockchain
  15. Installation of the Linux Daemon edition

    1. Create config directory in your Home folder
    2. mkdir /home/USERNAME/.CloakCoin
    3. Switch to the directory and download newest Blockchain for faster sync
    4. cd /home/USERNAME/.CloakCoin
    5. Create .CloakCoin.conf file with rpcusername and password
    6. nano /home/USERNAME/.CloakCoin/CloakCoin.conf
    7. Save this file and exit
    8. Create a folder for your CloakCoin Daemon and download this new Wallet
    9. mkdir /home/USERNAME/cloakcoin
      cd /home/USERNAME/cloakcoin
      rm -r
    10. Start Daemon
    11. Installation of the Mac iOS Edition

      1. Donwload the latest Mac client from GitHub
      2. Extract zip file and start cloakCoin-qt.xxxx.dmg
      3. Drag & Drop the cloakCoin-qt App in the Application Folder
      4. Start cloakCoin-qt App in Application Folder -> you will get a warning that the app is from a unidentified developer
      5. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Security & Privacy. Read more.
      6. You need to unblock the app by clicking the 'Open Anyway' in Security & Privacy
      7. the cloakCoin-qt app will continue with the instalation.
      8. You will get a warning: 'Cant find local blockchain…..Would you like to auto-download it?'
      9. Click 'Yes'
      10. when the blockchain finnishes downloading cloakCoin-qt app will be running and in full sync!
      11. Always remember -> to Encrypt your wallet via password Keyphrase! + backup your wallet.dat on a USB Stick or External Harddrive. Just to be sure!

      If you need to reinstall the blockchain file with the auto-downloader:

      1. Close the running wallet.
      2. Go to ~/Library/Application Support/CloakCoin/ and delete folder txleveldb.
      3. Restart and it will ask you to download again.